A+ Charter Schools (A+ Academy & Inspired Vision Academy)

A+ Charter Schools (A+ Academy & Inspired Vision Academy)

  Phone: +12143813226

  Address:8225 Bruton Road Dallas, TX - 75227, United States

Name Title Phone Bio
Brenton White Superintendent -

Brenton White is the Superintendent/ CEO of A+ Charter Schools, INC. He has more than 22 years of experience in education. Dr. White earned his Superintendent Certification from the University of North Texas and Region 10. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Boston University, a Master’s Degree from the University of Southern California, and an Ed.D. in Education Leadership/K-12 from Dallas Baptist University. To contact Dr. Brenton White please email him at [email protected]

Lance Prothro Chief Financial Officer -
Myrna Villegas Admin -